Speaking out, sharing information and pooling resources to achieve universal access to basic services and environmental sustainability all over the developing world.

Monday, 15 June 2009

Safe Water as the Global Glass Ceiling

article about women and water on Huffington Post.

Here is the intro:
"There is a photograph that travelers inevitably take when they go to a developing country -- a picture of a woman carrying a large container of water on her head. The woman's posture is ramrod straight, the envy of runway models everywhere, and her face rarely betrays the amount of effort and strength this task involves. Most times this photo is taken because it is a stunning and moving image of a woman's strength and beauty.

Alluring as this image may be, what it truly portrays is the economic, physical and health burden that women and girls must endure everyday of their lives to provide water for their families - this is the forgotten glass ceiling."

For the full article, go here.

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About Voice for Water

This blog was inspired by my field research on the lack of access to water and sanitation in Nigeria. It continues to focus on this issue and has expanded to explore this issue regionally and globally. The idea is to share best practices, challenges and information for citizens, planners, policymakers, scholars and the public who believe that everyone deserves to realize their full human development potential and secure basic rights to health, freedom, a clean environment and economic well-being.
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