Speaking out, sharing information and pooling resources to achieve universal access to basic services and environmental sustainability all over the developing world.

Saturday, 16 May 2009

Learning about Africa

Today I wanted to highlight two online multimedia resources for encouraging young people to learn more about Africa. The first is sponsored by the Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) and is called PBS KIDS, Africa. The site is for young children and is based on the AFRICA series, with African tales, music, masks and African students' photo albums.

The second resource is called GlobaLink-Africa. The GlobaLink-Africa Curriculum Project is a free school-year-long, multi-media, online curriculum resource for critical thinking about globalization and its relationship with Africa, Africans, and United States-Africa policy. The curriculum gives high school students a view of Africa and the world that is not accessible through conventional curriculum activities. The curriculum also provides enriching resources for anyone interested in Africa or globalization issues.

Happy learning!

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About Voice for Water

This blog was inspired by my field research on the lack of access to water and sanitation in Nigeria. It continues to focus on this issue and has expanded to explore this issue regionally and globally. The idea is to share best practices, challenges and information for citizens, planners, policymakers, scholars and the public who believe that everyone deserves to realize their full human development potential and secure basic rights to health, freedom, a clean environment and economic well-being.
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