Speaking out, sharing information and pooling resources to achieve universal access to basic services and environmental sustainability all over the developing world.

Tuesday, 5 May 2009

Newly Published Demographic and Health Suveys

Here are links to some of the newest publications from Measure DHS. The Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS) program carries out surveys on nutrition, HIV and population in over 75 countries. The website features online tools to generate maps and tables with data by country and regions within countries.

2007 Indonesia Demographic and Health Survey
The 2007 IDHS includes information on fertility, family planning, childhood mortality, maternal and child health, nutrition, malaria, and knowledge of HIV/AIDS. Download the full IDHS report

2007 Indonesia Young Adult Reproductive Health Survey (IYARHS)
The IYARHS focuses on young women and men, age 15-24, and covers topics including education, knowledge and attitudes about reproductive health and family planning, knowledge of HIV/AIDS and STIs, attitudes about sexual activity and marriage, smoking, and use of alcohol and drugs. Download the full IYARHS report .

Concurrent Sexual Partnerships and HIV Infection: Evidence from National Population-Based Surveys (Working Paper)
This working paper analyzes the relationship between concurrent sexual partnership and HIV prevalence, on both individual and country levels. The study finds that, at the individual level, women and men who had concurrent sexual partners in the year before the survey were more likely to be HIV-positive than those who had only one lifetime partner or those with multiple lifetime partners but no overlapping partners in the past year. This relationship does not hold at the community or country level. Download the full working paper.

Social Context of Disclosing HIV Test Results: HIV Testing in Tanzania
This study examined the circumstances and social contexts in which individuals in Tanzania were tested and counselled for HIV, and patterns in disclosure of test results to partners, family, and friends. The overall objectives of this study were to understand people’s experiences in showing their own HIV test results to others, to discover the pattern of disclosure among individuals tested (whether or not disclosure occurred, to whom, how it was done, after how long), and to discern the role of social relations in facilitating disclosure to others. Download the full report.

2007 Bangladesh Demographic and Health Survey

See the press release.
Get the final report.

2007 Zanbia Demographic and Health Survey

See the press release.
Get the final report.

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About Voice for Water

This blog was inspired by my field research on the lack of access to water and sanitation in Nigeria. It continues to focus on this issue and has expanded to explore this issue regionally and globally. The idea is to share best practices, challenges and information for citizens, planners, policymakers, scholars and the public who believe that everyone deserves to realize their full human development potential and secure basic rights to health, freedom, a clean environment and economic well-being.
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